I noticed that when I talk about horror movies with friends, surprisingly I do have friends in real life, I’m more like the weird guy who thinks that a fake-looking death is awesome.
Well, excuse me, but I do find quite amusing how old horror movies were made and recorded. That fake eyeball hanging out of the fake face while being impaled by a serial killer/ghost/whatever-float-your-boat thing is better than all this new realistic sci-fi naked busty girl on cam while I get to see the scene as if I where the killer and apparently can’t actually see anything because it fucking moves quite a lot.
Yeah, I prefer Night of the Living Dead rather than this new Shitty horror movies. I’m sorry if I also prefer watching the first Scream and I know what you did last summer (or whatever the English name is) rather than all this new killers who are obviously more smart but the damn camera work and then the 90 minutes of sex plus naked people plus dialogues consisting of just “fuck”, “fuck me”, “yes!” “Harder” and “no”, “stop” and a long scream in between and actually 20 minutes of jump moments and then 10 minutes of gore and then the credits.
Yes, I’m sorry for being a weird guy who prefers old horror movies. It was… Actually horror and deaths.
Thank you for trying XXI century, but horror movies aren’t your thing.